Tuesday 13 February 2007


So Jen went home this morning. I feel so empty and quiet. Not that she was noisy but that her presence was here and now it's not. I'm so excited to be moving back to Kent and that time can't come quick enough. Steve said it's like Superman (the first Christopher Reeve film) where he went away to get inspired, encouraged etc.. to be able to move on and "save the world". Not that I want to save the world. The point is, I had to move away after my divorce. I had to find "me" and whether anyone understands it or not, I had to do that away from my family including my kids and granddaughter. I'm ready to move back. I need to move back and be near them all again. I'm better and I'm more me - Diane - than I've ever been before. I know it's still a day by day thing. I know there will be good days and bad days. The good days far outnumber the bad ones. I'm excited about my future. I wake up every day excited. I wake up every day so keen to get started on all that the day offers.

So yes, it's quiet and I miss my Jen but I'm happy. Quietly happy and extremely contented.

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