Tuesday, 15 January 2008

All That Jazz

Steve just got a couple of new cds from Amazon and he's playing the Miles Davies one. Jazz. So mellow. So uber cool. So perfect for working to. But it also makes me feel like I want to go to one of those really cool jazz clubs in London. Nice romantic meal. Jazz band playing live. Laid back. Easy. Yeah. Would love that.

Ok - reality - it's pouring with rain and gale force winds outside. Just perfect for my hs|ms photo. The word prompt is away. And that's what's been happening. Everything that isn't nailed down is blowing away. Ugh! We live in a ground floor flat and have beautiful communal gardens but nowhere safe to put our bin ugh! And so when we get hit with high winds, our bin likes to get blown away.

So yeah - we heard a big bang and knew the bin had gone over for the millionth time but before I let Steve go sort it out, I just had to kneel down and get a photo. Believe it or not me and camera got soaked in just the few seconds it took to take the photo.. Not good.

Personally, if I'm working, this is my favourite weather. Also, cold or snowing. I love to look out on the bad weather while I'm wrapped up warm working on my pc. In the Spring/Summer, I just want to get out. I don't feel it's right to be indoors working but work I must come rain or shine!


Anonymous said...

LOL at you suffering for your art... no way would I have braved the elements to get my pic!! Tis a great take on today's word though :D
When ours blows over there is usually litter halfway up the street!!

Louise Galt said...

LOL well done you for braving the rain to get a photo, nice one. I like being all toasty and warm indoors when the weathers like this too.

Sarah said...

Great take on the word. Seen lots of these today, it was bin day so almost all the empty ones were laying on their sides on the pavement.

Bobs said...

Great shot. Our wheelie bin goes walkabout in the wind too! lol

All of my Todays said...

Great idea for today's shot. I'm with you I hate sitting in my office looking out at the sunshine!