Wednesday 9 July 2008

Wednesday Wonderings

More rain. Honest to goodness low gray clouds rain here for the day rain. It's like an October day. I like it. I'd like it more if I didn't have to go out in it. Ha! It's pouring down. And no end in sight. I vaguely remember last Summer being like this. The odd day of beautiful sunshine and then days of rain. I think I prefer this more than the stifling humid Summers we were getting before last year. Although I think a little more sunshine than incessant rain would be nice at this point.

However, I do love how Summer rain makes all the trees, shrubs and flowers look more vibrant. Bright colours. Lush greens. And the smell. The rain seems to release the smells of all the flowers and the fresh cut grass more than normal. It's so pretty.

Ok, off now to do some much needed shopping for our upcoming holiday to Cornwall. Need some new clothes and toiletries. Hmmm mustn't forget the sun screen. Oh and a nice umbrella! x

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