It's extremely rare for me to take part in online challenges. However, I came across this one, Reverb 10 via Ali Edwards blog, and it jumped out at me. Hit the inspired button so I'm giving it a shot.
Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you? (Author: Gwen Bell)
One word to describe 2010. Grief. It could've been loss, tragedy, sadness. All of them apply but honestly, "grief" is it. It's the one word. From January 1st 2010 right up to this minute, grief has dominated my life this year. Grief at having to watch my beloved Daddy die. Die before his time, in my opinion. Grief at seeing my Mum heartbroken. My whole family, heartbroken at the loss of my Dad. Grief when my beloved aunt died a few weeks later, my Dad's only sibling. I stare at a photograph of my grandparent, my Dad and my aunt. A whole dearly beloved family gone. It was like being repeatedly punched in the stomach. Grief losing my Dad's business. Fighting for my Mum's home. I really could go on.... my husband's cancer scare (not out of the woods yet), our car crash in France (we were unhurt), my daughter's brother-in-law almost fatal car crash just a few weeks ago. So yes, 2010 has been about grief and working through it.
My one word to describe 2011. It would have to be Healing. Soul healing. Physical healing. Financial healing. Emotional healing. Healing has to be the one word for my life for 2011.
Di, your words resonate....I pray that 2011 will bring peace, acceptance and that healing can begin. You are in my thoughts. Take care. xo
Di, I pray for you same as honey's prayer for you. And I claimed it already.
Just to share, the word for me for 2010 is "awakening".
Have a blessed day! :)
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