Saturday, 19 February 2011

Changes Ahead

Steve and I run our own business - Stedi Arts Ltd - designing, creating and selling digital 3d content.  Our products are sold to 3d hobbyists and professionals and are used to create digital art, in films, advertising, etc.. It was always our dream to work from home running our own creative business and we're doing it.

However, I want to branch out a bit and get back to creating my own digital art designs.  I'm so excited to have started work on them and to be slowly putting together my website and online store.  At last.

I had originally started work on it last January but then had to take a long hiatus to help look after my parents when my Dad got very ill.   Dad was always a great supporter of my work.  He was the one to introduce me to the WWW back in 1994!!  Can you believe that??  It was my Dad that got me into web design and creating art on a computer.  He was an entrepreneur.  He and his business partner back then, created the first internet cafe in London and set up one of the UK's first internet providers, Easynet plc.

I've had a website in form or another since then.  Somewhere a long the road I lost my creative mojo; my dreams and aspirations seemed to fade away.  It's been a long hard road but I'm back to that creative place.  My muse returned. And I know Dad would be cheering me on.  He would be proud of what I'm doing right now and telling me to reach for the stars.  Go for my dreams.  Be positive.  Dream big.  Yes, he used to say all those things to me!  To us all.  To my kids.  And that's what I'm doing.

I'm excited.  New changes coming.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

It's impressive what your Dad did and how he encouraged you too! I am pleased that you are feeling creative and excited for the future. I love the post before too-your pictures and list of feelings compliment each other so well.