Thursday, 7 April 2011

Behind The Scenes

So much going on here.  I'm excited.  On fire.  Motivated.  Scared.  Filled with trepidation.  Inspired.  Time challenged.  Always time challenged.  Feeling good.  Healthy.  Personal goals.  Business goals.  Big dreams.  Shooting for the moon.  Oh don't you love the cliches??!!  I do.  It's a great way to describe what's happening just now.

And it's April.  Wow!  Spring is here.  The air.  The flowers.  The new green shoots.  I'm feeling it in so many ways.  Love the coming of a new Season.  Always.

Behind the scenes I'm working very hard and it feels good.  It's honestly a dream come true for me.  Something that has been stop starting for several years now.  Up and down.  Round and about.  Never quite there.  Missing something.  Fear would show up just at the last moment.  Send me running.  That moment has past and fear gave me a new impetus. In the right direction.

At last.  Did I say I'm excited??!!


Bernie said...

what a wonderful, positive post!!
have fun!!!
Bernie x

Anonymous said...

Hi Diane, so great to hear you being so positive about life (I'm having a bit of a tough time at the moment too... so its great to feel lifted by your words! Also great to hear you are opning your didgital store again - I wondered where it had gone... I love your work and am really looking forward to seeing more... Nicci x

Kate Hadfield said...

Oh what an exciting and positive post! I am more than a little bit intrigued!!

I can't wait to see your new store and new goodies! Have fun with all your projects :)