Friday, 8 August 2008

Mixed Media Painting

Spent a little time yesterday finishing up a mixed media painting. Acrylics, crayon, stamps, pencil and collage pieces on 9"x12" canvas.It's truly mixed media as I used digital art tools as well as traditional painting tools. I created the main figure using 3d character design software as a reference. Printed it out and sprayed with a fixative so I could paint over the figure without the ink bleeding and losing the outline. Once I'd finished most of the background, I added the figure, painted the skin and hair and then continued to add background elements to finish it off. I certainly found it exciting combining both digital and traditional mediums. A kinda mixed media hybrid if you like.

More painting tonight and over the weekend as my daughter's coming to stay and I'm fairly certain she's here just for the art supplies! ha!


LYNNE said...

Beautiful painting. Noticed that you scrapbook digitally. well hey so do l.
Sites that l use are Scrapbookflair and digiscrapdepot as well as digifree.
hope you are feeling better soon.

Paulette Insall ~ Reflecting Colors of the Soul said...

Wow Diane!!!! This is absolutely outstanding!!!! So cool that you mixed the digital and the traditional! Love it girl!!! Can't wait to see what you come up with next!!!


Sue said...

Superb :-)

Years ago I scanned a photo of Joshua, converted it to a basic line drawing, printed it out and watercoloured it. I am now inspired to try something else :-)

You are soooo artistic, I truly am in awe of your talent :-)

Thanks for tour comments . . . Sue :-)

Diane Rooney said...
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Zoe said...

Love it! Love it! Love it!

Heather said...

Beautiful! That background is amazing! wonderful job~

Dani said...

It is a beautiful painting! I love how you combined the digital and traditional. lots of love, Dani