Wednesday, 6 August 2008


Blech. Ugh. I feel out of sorts today and I don't really know why. One minute up. Next I feel like I'm going to snap. And I want to scream. Not hormonal. Nope. Just feeling yuck. Nothing. Couldn't really get going today. Struggled to get anything done. It's hot. Humid. Very humid. I cleaned and tidied the flat in the vain hope it might make me feel better. No. Nothing. Ugh! Where's the joy? Someone's stolen my joy today. That's it. It's gone.

Perhaps some time out to go and do something for me will help. We'll see.


Dani said...

I'm fighting a headcold...nothing like a cold in the summer! LOL {{hugs}} My Momma always says...better days are coming. *smile* lots of love, Dani

Sue said...

I GET THIS ! ! !

Just to say here I think in addition to my kids now seeming to need me less, turning 50 this year, my health being very tempremental, not knowing what to work on, and the black dog always waiting to pounce if it gets an opportunity, (PHEW) I think I am on the change too :-(LOL You gotta laugh . . . !

No wonder I feel as if I am taking 2 steps forward and 327 back!!!

Ah, well . . . ;-D

Sue :-)