Wednesday 7 October 2009

Soul Stretching

"Not everything you do is going to be a masterpiece, but you get out there and you try and sometimes it really happens. The other times you’re just stretching your soul". Maya Angelou

I stumbled upon the above quote while doing some research for the online art workshop, Gut Art, I'm taking and it just spoke to me so loud and clear, I felt stunned for a minute.  I read it again and again.  Perfect for me just at this point in time.  Yay!  Creative freedom.  Lots of soul stretching.  That's all I'm wanting to do while moving towards the masterpiece!


Niecey said...

Beautiful quote. Is this your artwork? It's stunning.

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness. this quote is perfect!!! yes- that's what we're doing. i'm going to use it in my friday post. thank you!!!

Flor Larios Art said...

That is the bird collage.

Mary said...

Hey Diane, I wanted to tell you again how much I love you journal cover. It is so rich and full. Don't know why I use the word full, it just seems right somehow.

Maybe full of what will come from inside???
