Thursday 14 January 2010

On my Mind

1 comment:

Deirdra Doan said...

So pretty...I know sadness is hard to put on blogs..I didn't want to bother to put reasons for my cousins death I just wanted to honor her. I am sorry for what you are going through.

My cousin was driving and someone pushed her off the road and there was a head on crash. The worse of it is that her Mother and my Mothers Mother died the same a poor Aunt!

I believe I will be near you in Kent around June 23rd. We have concert in Brighton and friends to stay with near Kent. I look forward to meeting you and hanging out a little! Maybe going into London and hanging out at Galleries or something?

We can talk about Art and our Lord! Best things yeah!!!
How are you doing with your grief?
My email is www.deirdradoan (at)

We could talk on Skype sometime it is free and so much fun!